
Inspiring people to Challenge the Norm

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Unexpected Impact

When I first started this blog it was more something for me.  A place to compile a collection of stories about all the wonderful individuals I have been blessed to meet along my journey.  Never in a million years did I ever plan to impact others’.  Although I have been writing, I haven’t been as good about posting my blogs.  Well recently I encountered an individual who gave meaning to this collection of everyday leaders…

The story goes something like this:

An individual approached me while I was socializing one evening after a stressful day of work.

“You look familiar”

Me: “Hmm, I work for the Fire Department and go to school at UNR, maybe that’s why?”

“No, you’re the girl with the blog!”

Me:”I do have a blog, but I haven’t written in a while”

“Yes, yes.  Someone told me about your blog.   It’s brilliant.  I loved reading it.  It inspires me to be a better person. ”

This individual even followed up a few days later to remind me to continue sharing.

It is moments like this that remind me of the “lollipop moment”.  Something seemingly insignificant in your life can make such a huge impact in another life.  So from this moment forward, I vow to continue sharing my story.  Although this individual will probably never know how important that 5 minute conversation was, it played an instrumental role in continuing this blog.  I have a deep passion for leadership and creating memorable moments.  So to my fellow bloggers, readers, and alike, I want to remind you how important your story is.  Our lives get busy and we can easily be veered off track, but never forget to share your story.  You may not realize the positive impact it has on another.

What’s your story? Please share in a comment below.
